It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Wiki
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Wiki

Bruce Mathis is Dennis and Dee's biological father.


The antithesis of Frank Reynolds, Bruce devotes his time and money to charities and philanthropic efforts, including adopting several suffering children in Africa and doing charity benefits for a cure for Lupus. [2x10]

Early Life[]

Barbara Reynolds had an affair with Bruce, early in her marriage to Frank. Barbara kept the pregnancy which ensued from Bruce, (because she wasn't aware of Bruce's father's wealth) and let Frank believe Dennis and Dee were his. Bruce didn't know that he was Dennis and Dee's father until later in life. [2x10]

Season Two[]

He reconnected with his twins through Sweet Dee's MySpace page, but they are unable to have a successful relationship with him because of his good nature. [2x10]

Season Three[]

Later, he inherited Barbara's fortune and called The Gang "the most horrible people alive" when he discovers that Dee and Frank are plotting to grift Bruce out of his fortune. He later takes Dennis' camera in order to show the lawyer that Dennis violated the will by allowing Frank onto the mansion premises and will thus lose the house. [3x3]

Season Four[]

Dee shows Dennis and Frank a newspaper article where Bruce Mathis has donated Barbara's fortune to a Muslim Cultural center. Frank and Dee become obsessed with revenge and stalk a man whom they think is Bruce, repeatedly crashing into and finally blowing up his car. [4x2]

Season Nine[]

Mac tells Dee and Dennis that he has invited Bruce Mathis to their Thanksgiving beef-squashing dinner, but it turns out he accidentally invited the man whose car the Gang destroyed in The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis. [The Gang Squashes Their Beefs]

