It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Wiki
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Wiki
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Wiki

Please use this page to discuss pages that have been labelled for deletion.

Scrimblo Bimblo, The Lovable Scrunklo:[]


pls pls pls dont remove the page, it is my life and is whats keeping me alive[]

i have stage 2 cancer and this is the only thing that makes me laugh.. my wife and kids left me.. i need scrimblo bimblo the loveable scrunklo

Brian LeFevre[]

I'm only on season 12 right now, but it's been a while since brian lefevre came up so I decided to google it to refresh my memory. I don't want future people in my position to have to scroll through the entire page of minor characters in order to get their answer. Leave brian alone.

BRIAN LEFEVRE is the man, do not remove!!

Grilled Charlie Sandwich[]

Don't delete this, good page with instructions, photo diagram and breakdown of Charlie's sandwich. It was a great early scene of Frank and Charlie living together so deserves to stay up. I found this page by searching for the sandwich on google, made an account after seeing it was up for deletion as that seems silly thing to do. Don't delete, huff some glue and make a Charlie Sandwich instead.

Jack Bauer[]

i don't even need to make an argument. i mean, you can TRY to delete the page. but Special Agent Jack Bauer is indestructible. good luck, jabronis.


It's Charlie's favorite food. The page includes the recipe. This is required to be known by society forever. We also get the recipe for Jelly Beans, raw. This page is important for humanity. Do not damage humanity. I have contributed to society tonight for having written this.

ruby taft[]

charlies hotest richest gf pls dont delete

List of crimes committed by the gang[]

please don't delete this page, it is very well made and impactful.. what if somebody wanted to know the list of crimes the gang committed? for educational purposes perhaps? or edits perchance? It makes me smile. It's almost like a loving dad I've never had :(

seriously. don't delete this. I have to look back at it to tell my cousin how awful the gang is.