It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Wiki
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Wiki

Dennis and Dee quit their jobs to pursue their dreams, but when Mac reminds them that unemployment runs out eventually, Dennis and Dee get hooked on crack cocaine so they can apply for welfare. Meanwhile, Frank hires two new workers under the "Work for Welfare" program and Charlie and Mac go on a spending spree with the money in Frank's secret bank account.



Recurring Roles

Guest Stars

Episode Title


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Charlie: Are you lifting with your back?
Charlie: Do you have like a Facebook or something?
Dennis: (speaking to the welfare office clerk). Hi. I'm a recovering crack head. This is my retarded sister that I take care of. I'd like some welfare, please.
Dee: Ooh, and I got a Jesus chain!
Drug Dealer: Whatcha need
Dennis: Uh one please.
Drug Dealer: One what?
Dennis: Uh, one rock of crack, a crack rock. Is that enough? Is one crack rock enough?
Dee: How much would you recommend for a first time user?
Dee: Dennis when you become a veterinarian will you buy me new head shots, please?!

External Links

< Season
Season 2 Season >
  1. "Charlie Gets Crippled"
2. "The Gang Goes Jihad"
3. "The Gang Gives Back"
4. "Dennis and Dee Go on Welfare"
5. "Mac Bangs Dennis' Mom"
6. "The Gang Runs for Office"
7. "Hundred Dollar Baby"
8. "Charlie Goes America All Over Everybody's Ass"
 9. "The Gang Exploits a Miracle"
10. "Dennis and Dee Get a New Dad"