It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: The Gang Goes Mobile (also known as Always Sunny: Gang Goes Mobile) is a simulation freemium mobile game for iOS and Android, based on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. The game is developed and published by East Side Games and released on July 15, 2019.
Tap your way through the worst bar in Philadelphia! Team up with The Gang from It's Always Sunny -- Mac, Dennis, Charlie, Dee, and Frank -- the hilariously dysfunctional, self-obsessed group of friends, and start schemes to launder Frank's dirty money.
Play through your favorite scenes from the Emmy® nominated, acclaimed FXX hit comedy IT’S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA, and rake in cash from hilarious schemes and unlock characters, guest stars, and facepalming new adventures. While Mac, Dennis, and Dee bicker and backstab over ways to con fools, Frank tasks Charlie with hiding the clean cash in a safe place. But as each new scheme successfully hits its stride, their plans and profits go up in smoke, as Charlie's favorite “safe place” -- the back-alley dumpster -- goes up in flames.
COLLECT CHARACTERS & GUEST STARS Tap, touch, and play with your favorite characters from the show, like Codpiece Dennis, Man-Spider Frank, Wildcard Charlie, and Ostrich Dee. Your favorite supporting characters are here as well, including The Waitress, Rickety Cricket, Uncle Jack, and more (Rum Ham!!!)!
RELIVE EPISODES FROM THE SHOW Play through classic scenes and experience cringe-worthy new adventures. Hang out with The Gang behind the bar, in Mac and Dennis' apartment, and many memorable locations from the show.
PLAY WITH DIRTY MONEY Manage Paddy’s Pub and cook up money-making schemes like Kitten Mittens, Virgin Mary Stain, D--- Towels, and more! Help the Gang exploit fools, back stab each other, and give in to their worst impulses!
Contact us at Like our page: Follow us on Instagram: @alwayssunnygame Get updates on Twitter: @alwayssunnygame
By downloading this app, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of use, available at: Terms of Service - Privacy Policy -
Please note that this game is free to download and play, but some game items are available for purchase using real money. A network connection is highly recommended to play the game.
It’s Always Sunny: The Gang Goes Mobile TM & © 2018 Fox and its related entities. All rights reserved.
Characters that are bolded are exclusive to events. There are currently 173 cards in the game.
- Charlie
- Badass Charlie (Rare)
- Bird of War Charlie (Epic)
- Bloody Charlie (Epic)
- Christmas Charlie (Epic)
- Dayman Charlie (Epic)
- Detective Charlie (Epic)
- Diorama Charlie (Epic)
- Drooling Charlie (Epic)
- Fight Milk Charlie (Common)
- First Mate Charlie (Epic)
- Global Warming Charlie (Epic)
- Hazmat Charlie (Epic)
- Hella Charlie (Epic)
- Kitten Mittens Charlie (Rare)
- Mailroom Charlie (Epic)
- Mannequin Charlie (Epic)
- Mr. Janitor Charlie (Epic)
- Mullet Charlie (Epic)
- Paddy's Charlie (Common)
- Phantom Charlie (Epic)
- Preacher Charlie (Epic)
- Ratslayer Charlie (Rare)
- Rock Star Charlie (Rare)
- Stuffed Up Charlie (Common)
- Undercover Charlie (Epic)
- Wildcard Charlie (Epic)
- Dee
- Angel Dee (Epic)
- Bad Haircut Dee (Epic)
- Captain Dee (Epic)
- Coppa Dee (Epic)
- Crazy Paddy Dee (Epic)
- Dancer Dee (Epic)
- Dealer Dee (Common)
- Dee the Bird (Epic)
- Desert Rose Dee (Epic)
- Director Dee (Rare)
- Drunk Dee (Epic)
- Franken-Dee (Epic)
- Gas Huffing Dee (Epic)
- Ostrich Dee (Epic)
- Paddy's Dee (Common)
- Pink Eye Dee (Epic)
- Princess Dee (Epic)
- Santa Dee (Epic)
- Slacktivist Dee (Epic)
- Traumatized Dee (Common)
- Welfare Dee (Epic)
- ZingingCutie23 Dee (Rare)
- Dennis
- 1 Star Dennis (Rare)
- Bird of War Dennis (Epic)
- Bodywork Dennis (Common)
- British Dennis (Epic)
- Chemical Peel Dennis (Epic)
- Cop Dennis (Epic)
- Crazy Paddy Dennis (Epic)
- Diamond Dennis (Epic)
- Dick Towel Dennis (Epic)
- Erotic Dennis (Common)
- Green Plumber Dennis (Epic)
- Hugh Honey Dennis (Epic)
- Little Boy Dennis (Epic)
- Manhunter Dennis (Epic)
- Mobster Dennis (Epic)
- Paddy’s Dennis (Epic)
- Reno Dennis (Epic)
- Rock God Dennis (Rare)
- Sex Doll Dennis (Epic)
- Sexy Dennis (Epic)
- Spin Doctor Dennis (Rare)
- Frank
- 80s Warthog Frank (Epic)
- Bedtime Frank (Common)
- Captain Frank (Epic)
- Collection Frank (Common)
- Couch Frank (Epic)
- Diarreha-Poisoned Frank (Epic)
- Dr. Mantis Toboggan (Epic)
- Gambling Frank (Epic)
- Greased Up Frank (Epic)
- Jail Frank (Epic)
- Life Is Happy Frank (Epic)
- Lit Frank (Rare)
- Long Legs Frank (Epic)
- Mancheetah Frank (Epic)
- Manspider Frank (Epic)
- Martina Martinez Frank (Epic)
- Mobility Frank (Epic)
- Ongo Frank (Epic)
- Paddy's Frank (Common)
- Pimp Frank (Rare)
- Racing Frank (Epic)
- Rum Ham Frank (Epic)
- SweetPeaches69 Frank (Epic)
- The Trash Warthog (Epic)
- Trashman Frank (Epic)
- Troll Frank (Epic)
- Wolf Cola Frank (Epic)
- Mac
- Badass Mac (Rare)
- Bailiff Mac (Epic)
- Bird of War Mac (Epic)
- British Mac (Epic)
- Dick Towel Mac (Rare)
- Duster Mac (Epic)
- Fat Mac (Epic)
- Fight Milk Mac (Common)
- Fireball Mac (Common)
- Goon Mac (Epic)
- Hazmat Mac (Epic)
- Mac the Mountain (Epic)
- Manhunter Mac (Epic)
- Nightman Mac (Epic)
- Paddy’s Mac (Rare)
- Preacher Mac (Epic)
- Santa Mac (Epic)
- Tracksuit Mac (Epic)
- Vic Vinegar Mac (Epic)
- Wedding Dress Mac (Epic)
- Air Conditioner (Epic)
- Anthony (Common)
- Artemis
- Cowgirl Artemis (Common)
- Victorian Performer Artemis (Epic)
- Barney (Epic)
- Ben the Soldier (Epic)
- Bill Ponderosa (Rare)
- Bonnie (Epic)
- Carmen (Common)
- Cat Translator (Epic)
- Cereal (Epic)
- Crows (Common)
- Da Maniac (Epic)
- Dancing Tube Man (Epic)
- Dumpster Baby (Epic)
- Father O’Grady (Epic)
- Football Cutout (Epic)
- Franquito (Epic)
- Gas Hog (Common)
- Gladys (Common)
- Green Foam Finger (Epic)
- Jackie Denardo (Common)
- Lady Dick Towel (Common)
- Landlord Hwang (Epic)
- Leprechaun (Epic)
- Liam McPoyle
- Hatchet-Wielding Liam (Epic)
- Liam McPoyle (Rare)
- Tuxedo Liam McPoyle (Epic)
- Luther (Epic)
- Mac’s Mom (Epic)
- Mall Santa (Epic)
- Margaret McPoyle (Common)
- Maureen
- Bastet (Rare)
- Maureen (Common)
- Maureen Bride (Epic)
- Meat Cubes (Epic)
- Nightman Lyrics (Rare)
- Pappy McPoyle (Epic)
- Peter Nincompoop (Rare)
- Poppins (Epic)
- Rickety Cricket
- Dee-Coy Cricket (Epic)
- Greenman Cricket (Epic)
- Matthew Mara (Common)
- Rickety Cricket (Epic)
- Ryan McPoyle (Epic)
- Schmitty (Epic)
- Space Turtle (Rare)
- Tang-See (Epic)
- The Lawyer (Common)
- The Waiter (Epic)
- The Waitress
- Femme Fatale Waitress (Epic)
- The Drunk Waitress (Rare)
- The Waitress (Common)
- Working Mom Waitress (Epic)
- Uncle Jack
- Giant Hand Uncle Jack (Epic)
- Uncle Jack (Epic)
- Z (Epic)
Characters that are bolded are exclusive to events. There are currently 16 schemes in the game.
- Paddy's Pub (Common)
- Paddy's Dee
- Paddy's Charlie
- Paddy's Dennis
- Paddy's Frank
- Paddy's Mac
- Leprechaun
- Hazmat Charlie
- The Waiter
- Reno Dennis
- First Mate Charlie
- Pappy McPoyle
- Kitten Mittens (Common)
- Kitten Mittens Charlie
- Bedtime Frank
- The Lawyer
- Bastet
- Bailiff Mac
- Cat Translator
- Welfare Dee
- Mall Santa
- Santa Dee
- Giant Hand Uncle Jack
- EDM (Common)
- Rock God Dennis
- Rock Star Charlie
- The Waitress
- Dancer Dee
- Nightman Lyrics
- Green Foam Finger
- Mancheetah Frank
- British Dennis
- British Mac
- Victorian Performer Artemis
- Life Is Happy Frank
- Exploit Miracles (Common)
- Collection Frank
- Preacher Mac
- Matthew Mara
- Preacher Charlie
- Father O'Grady
- Crazy Paddy Dee
- Mobility Frank
- The Trash Warthog
- Detective Charlie
- Gas Crisis (Common)
- Fireball Mac
- Sexy Dennis
- Gas Hog
- Gas Huffing Dee
- Wildcard Charlie
- Dancing Tube Man
- Captain Dee
- Mr. Janitor Charlie
- Bird of War Charlie
- Diarrhea-Poisoned Frank
- Global Warming Charlie
- Deal Stuff (Common)
- Dealer Dee
- Stuffed Up Charlie
- Racing Frank
- Anthony
- Peter Nincompoop
- Diorama Charlie
- Duster Mac
- Schmitty
- Mailroom Charlie
- Jail Frank
- Dick Towels (Common)
- Dick Towel Mac
- Dick Towel Dennis
- Lady Dick Towel
- Carmen
- Couch Frank
- Football Cutout
- Hazmat Mac
- Slacktivist Dee
- Green Plumber Dennis
- Dee-Coy Cricket
- Mannequin Charlie
- Bodywork (Rare)
- Bodywork Dennis
- Pimp Frank
- Gladys
- Tracksuit Mac
- Rickety Cricket
- Maureen Bride
- Trashman Frank
- Tuxedo Liam McPoyle
- Sex Doll Dennis
- 80s Warthog Frank
- Wine in a Can (Common)
- Lit Frank
- Drunk Dee
- Cowgirl Artemis
- The Drunk Waitress
- Hella Charlie
- Bonnie
- Mullet Charlie
- Dee the Bird
- Bloody Charlie
- Coppa Dee
- Femme Fatale Waitress
- Tang-See
- Anything Goes (Rare)
- Traumatized Dee
- Gambling Frank
- Liam McPoyle
- Ryan McPoyle
- Margaret McPoyle
- Dumpster Baby
- Fat Mac
- Phantom Charlie
- Bird of War Dennis
- Ben the Soldier
- Cop Dennis
- An Erotic Life (Rare)
- Erotic Dennis
- Director Dee
- Maureen
- Ongo Frank
- Mac's Mom
- Drooling Charlie
- Z
- Diamond Dennis
- Desert Rose Dee
- Captain Frank
- Undercover Charlie
- Fight Milk (Common)
- Fight Milk Charlie
- Fight Milk Mac
- Greenman Cricket
- Bill Ponderosa
- Crows
- Meat Cubes
- Cereal
- Da Maniac
- Bird of War Mac
- Goon Mac
- Manspider Frank
- Project Badass (Rare)
- Badass Mac
- Badass Charlie
- Luther
- Pink Eye Dee
- 1 Star Dennis
- Rum Ham Frank
- Greased Up Frank
- Bad Haircut Dee
- Barney
- Manhunter Dennis
- Franken-Dee
- TechPocalypse (Common)
- ZingingCutie23 Dee
- Ratslayer Charlie
- SweetPeaches69 Frank
- Space Turtle
- Franquito
- Air Conditioner
- Chemical Peel Dennis
- Mac the Mountain
- Long Legs Frank
- Landlord Hwang
- Manhunter Mac
- Dee Day (Rare)
- Martina Martinez Frank
- Crazy Paddy Dennis
- Princess Dee
- Nightman Mac
- Dayman Charlie
- Little Boy Dennis
- Troll Frank
- Wedding Dress Mac
- Angel Dee
- Mobster Dennis
- Working Mom Waitress
- Wolf Cola (Rare)
- Wolf Cola Frank
- Spin Doctor Dennis
- Jackie Denardo
- Poppins
- Uncle Jack
- Ostrich Dee
- Christmas Charlie
- Hugh Honey Dennis
- Vic Vinegar Mac
- Hatchet-Wielding Liam
- Santa Mac
- Dr. Mantis Toboggan
There are currently 44 episodes in the game.
- Episode 1: "The Gang Starts a Dumpster Fire"
- Episode 2: "Dennis is a Rock and Roll God (Of Fire)"
- Episode 3: "The Gang Exploits the Virgin Mary"
- Episode 4: "The Gang Blows Up Frank's Gas Hog"
- Episdoe 5: "Dee and Charlie Sells... Stuff"
- Episode 6: "Frank Pimps Dennis"
- Episode 7: "Frank Invents Wine in a Can"
- Episode 8: "Welcome to Paddy's Pub... Where Anything Goes!"
- Episode 9: "Dennis Makes a Smut Film"
- Episode 10: "Frank's Fluids Fights Like a Crow"
- Episode 11: "Who Pooped the Bed?"
- Episode 12: "Charlie's Mom Has Cancer"
- Episode 13: “Underage Drinking: A National Concern”
- Episode 14: “Paddy's Pub: The Worst Bar in Philadelphia”
- Episode 15: “The Gang Runs for Office”
- Episode 16: “Frank Sets Sweet Dee on Fire”
- Episode 17: “Mac and Dennis: Manhunters”
- Episode 18: "Charlie Work"
- Episode 19: "The Waitress is Getting Married"
- Episode 20: "The Great Recession"
- Episode 21: “Mac and Dennis Break Up”
- Episode 22: “The Gang Reignites the Rivalry”
- Episode 23: “Mac and Charlie Write a Movie”
- Episode 24: “Frank's Pretty Woman”
- Episode 25: “Charlie Kelly: King of the Rats”
- Episode 26: “The Gang Tends Bar”
- Episode 27: "Mac Day"
- Episode 28: "Mac's Banging the Waitress"
- Episode 29: "The Gang Gets Held Hostage"
- Episode 30: "Mac's Big Break"
- Episode 31: "Psycho Pete Returns"
- Episode 32: “Charlie Has Cancer”
- Episode 33: “Mac and Charlie Die"
- Episode 34: “Mac and Charlie Die, Part 2"
- Episode 35: “Charlie Rules the World"
- Episode 36: “The D.E.N.N.I.S. System”
- Episode 37: "The ANTI-Social Network"
- Episode 38: “The Gang Exploits the Mortgage Crisis”
- Episode 39: “The Storm of the Century”
- Episode 40: “Gun Fever”
- Episode 41: “Bums: Making a Mess All Over the City”
- Episode 42: “Dee Day“
- Episode 43: “Wolf Cola: A Public Relations Nightmare”
- Episode 44: "The Gang Starts Another Dumpster Fire"
There are currently 37 limited-time events in the game.
- "A Night Out with Frank"
- "A Very Sunny Christmas: Part One"
- "A Very Sunny Christmas: Part Two"
- "A Woman's Right to Chop"
- "Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games"
- "Charlie Catches a Leprechaun"
- "Charlie's Dream Book"
- "Charlie's Home Alone"
- "Dating at Paddy's"
- "Dennis’ Private Collection"
- "Frank Falls Out the Window"
- "Frank Retires"
- "Flowers for Charlie"
- "How Mac Got Fat"
- "Mac Kills His Dad"
- "Mac’s Cultivating Mass"
- "Paddy's Has a Jumper"
- "Reynolds vs. Reynolds: The Cereal Defense"
- "Sweet Dee's Dry Heaving Tour"
- "The Gang Buys a Boat"
- "The Gang Does a Clip Show"
- "The Gang Drives the Paddy's Wagon"
- "The Gang Escapes"
- "The Gang Finds a Dumpster Baby"
- "The Gang Gets a New Member"
- "The Gang Gets Artistic"
- "The Gang Gets Romantic"
- "The Gang Misses the Boat"
- "The Gang Solves Global Warming"
- "The Gang Squashes Their Beefs"
- "The Gang Wins the Big Game"
- "The Great Paddy’s Dance Off"
- "The Janitor Always Mops Twice"
- "The Maureen Ponderosa Wedding Massacre"
- "The Nightman Cometh: Opening Night"
- "The Nightman Cometh: The Rehearsal"
- "Who Got Dee Pregnant?"
- The "Welcome Back" pop-up when entering the game features Mac in his outfit from Gun Fever Too: Still Hot.
- The FX logo can be seen in a picture frame in the background of the Event Collection screen and schemes such as Paddy's Pub, Wine in a Can, and Anything Goes.
- In the "Sell Cards?" pop-up and background of the Deal Stuff scheme are many references from the show as graffiti such as "Magnum Dong", "Cat Was Here" "Rum Ham", "Cricket Ready 2" and symbols from Charlie and his illiteracy.
- The "Public Access" screen displays the Dancing Guy from Frank Sets Sweet Dee on Fire.
- The premium currency in the game are Paddy's Eggs from Paddy's Pub: Home of the Original Kitten Mittens.
- The regular currency in the game is Welfare which is a reference to Dennis and Dee Go on Welfare.
- The prize boxes in the game are dumpster crates which is a reference to The Gang Tends Bar.
- The chickens in the Anything Goes scheme is a reference to the Charlie Work episode.
- In the early versions of the game, Rum Ham Frank was apart of the Fight Milk scheme, Nightman Mac was apart of the Kitten Mittens scheme, and Johnny from The Gang Gets Whacked was apart of the Deal Stuff scheme. All three were removed in the launch update of the game and the first two were added back to the game in latter updates assigned to different schemes.
- In early versions of the game, some characters had different expressions but were changed in later updates to differentiate them from similar cards.
- In early promotional screenshots of the game, there was a Legendary rarity but it was removed and not implemented.
- In promotional screenshots of the game, some characters are listed with different rarities.
- In promotional screenshots of the game, some characters are listed with levels such as Level 11 and 99, which is inaccurate as the max level in the game is Level 10.
- Characters that are only displayed on the Event Collection scheme show their entire bodies in the card images.
- In latter versions of the game, the word "Dick" in Dick Towels is censored to "D*ck" in the scheme name and related cards.
- When dialogue of episodes is displayed, cursing is somewhat censored such as "bitch", "shit", and "whore". However, there are some exceptions such as the uncensored use of "fuck" during the cutscenes of the A Very Sunny Christmas event.
- Some episode names are changed in the game.
- Lady Dick Towel, The Trash Warthog, Diamond Dennis, Dee the Bird, Mac the Mountain, and Mr. Janitor Charlie are the only characters that never appeared in an episode of the series.
- Artemis, Liam McPoyle, Maureen, Rickety Cricket, The Waitress and Uncle Jack are the only characters to have multiple cards in the game, other than The Gang.
- Hazmat Charlie, Hazmat Mac, and Greased Up Frank are the only cards exclusive to event Leaderboards.
- Space Turtle is the only card that animates when viewing it's card info.
- In promotional screenshots of the game, Rock Star Charlie and ZingingCutie23 Dee were originally called "Pianist Charlie" and "Gamer Dee" but were changed .
- The app description mentions Codpiece Dennis as an unlockable character. However, he is currently not a character in the game.
- During the month of October 2020, Halloween decorations were added to the Event Collection screen. They were removed in the November 2020 update. They were re-added in the October 2021 update and removed in the November 2021 update.
- During the month of December 2020, Christmas decorations were added to the Event Collection screen. They were removed in the January 2021 update. They were re-added in the December 2021 and removed in the January 2022 update.
- The current loading screen references the promotional poster from Season 9.
- The game features the gang's wrestling personas from the Season 14 promotional artwork as unlockable characters.
- The game's notification icon on Android devices is shaped like a bicep, referencing the episode, Dennis and Dee's Mom Is Dead.
- During the month of February 2022, the Event Collection screen contains a black & white area puddle area featuring a mop, bucket and scattered cherries, referencing the episode, The Janitor Always Mops Twice. Characters related to that episode are placed in the area on the Event Collection screen when unlocked.