It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Wiki
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Wiki
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Wiki

St. Joseph's Preparatory School

Alma mater

The High School Reunion

St. Joseph's Preparatory School is an all boys prep school in Philadelphia attended by most of the members of the Gang, along with a number of other recurring characters on the show. Dee and other female characters attended Notre Dame.

Known Students and Staff[]

Academy of Notre Dame de Namur[]

The Academy of Notre Dame de Namur is an all-girls academy that participated in co-ed events alongside St. Joseph's Preparatory School.

Known Students and Staff[]

  • Dr. Larry Meyers - Dee's high school drama teacher who inspired her love of acting.[6x8]


  • Saint Joseph's Preparatory School is an actual private Catholic school in Philadelphia. Rob McElhenney is an alumnus, class of 1995.[1] The majority of the exterior shots of the school and parking lot were filmed on location.
  • Dennis and Dee didn't meet Mac and Charlie until high school.
  • Mac and Charlie met while attending St. Vincent's elementary school.[1x7]
  • Dennis, Lil' Kev and presumably Dee went to Waldron Elementary school.[3x9]
  • Mac mentioned to Dee that he and Charlie went to a Catholic school.[1x2]
  • Charlie slept with Stacy Corvelli back in high school. Dennis told Stacy that he remembered her and Stacy asked Dennis if he went to "St. Joe's". [1x2]

