It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Wiki
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Wiki

"The Gang Gets Held Hostage" is the fourth episode of the third season of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

Paddy's Pub is held hostage by the McPoyles. Meanwhile, Frank crawls through the vents to find his will, which Charlie hid.


1:30PM on a Wednesday


Recurring Roles


  • It's the first episode in the whole series which is entirely takes a place in Paddy's Pub (second episode - Chardee MacDennis).
  • Instead of standard Sunny Soundtrack here is played some dramatic-action music (like in The Gang Gets Trapped and Thunder Gun Express).
  • McPoyles takes their revenge from the Gang for the events of "The Gang Gets Invincible" episode.
  • In the beginning of this episode, Charlie used to called himself as Dennis and Dee's "big brother" (because Frank is his possible biological father).
  • Kaitlin Olson's pinky toe was broken at the time of this episode's shootings, so she barely
    could walk back then.
  • Sylvester Stallone and Dan Aykroyd are both was mentioned in this episode (as possible owners of "Planet Hollywood" reversible leather jackets).
  • Charlie is pretty sure what a "Stockholm syndrome" is a physical disease.
  • When Frank says "Yippie ki-ay, Mr. Falcon" it's a refrence to the famous voice over done for T.V. purposes of Bruce Willis' line "Yippie ki-ay, motherfucker" in the movie "Die Hard".
    File:A farewell kiss.jpg
  • In this episode, Liam used to licking Dee's face - he did that so she doesn't notice what their shotguns are rubber. Also, when Charlie was thinking what he sees Dee in the last time, he used to kiss her and say "I love you" (then he gave Dee another slap).
  • This episode contains the first (and only yet) appearance of "Charlie's BAD room" - it's a place on the attic of Paddy's, where Charlie "goes to be alone and break bottles" (according to Mac).


Mini-Charlie Kelly   Whoa! Okay. Okay, don't shoot, okay? Just take whatever you want...
Yeah, take the cash register.   Mini-Mac
Mini-Dennis Reynolds   Take the girl!
What do you mean "Take the girl"?   Mini-Dee Reynolds
Mini-Dennis Reynolds   Don't argue with them. Just go!
He's right, sis. You better just go with them...   Mini-Charlie Kelly
Mini-Dee Reynolds   But they're not trying to take me anywhere...
Don't try to be a hero, Dee. Just do what they say!   Mini-Mac
Mini-Dee Reynolds   They're not saying anything!..
Well, what's the sense?! If you keep arguing with them, then we're all gonna die!!!   Mini-Charlie Kelly



Mini-Dennis Reynolds   Margaret, you like sweat, don't you? It is "Margaret", isn't it? Of course it is. You know, your eyebrow drives me crazy. It's so thick, i'ts so dark, and so very... connected. You're a stone cold fox, Margaret. You're a stone cold fox, and I want you. I gotta have you, I need you. I want you inside me. But you know that, don't you, Margaret?



Mini-Frank Reynolds   When we get out of this, I'm gonna shove my fist right into your ass, hard and fast...

Not in a sexual way! In a "I am pissed off at you" way.



< Season
Season 3 Season
  1. "The Gang Finds a Dumpster Baby"
2. "The Gang Gets Invincible"
3. "Dennis and Dee's Mom Is Dead"
4. "The Gang Gets Held Hostage"
5. "The Aluminum Monster vs. Fatty Magoo"
6. "The Gang Solves the North Korea Situation"
7. "The Gang Sells Out"
8. "Frank Sets Sweet Dee on Fire"
9. "Sweet Dee's Dating a Retarded Person"
10. "Mac Is a Serial Killer"
11. "Dennis Looks Like a Registered Sex Offender"
12. "The Gang Gets Whacked (Part 1)"
13. "The Gang Gets Whacked (Part 2)"
14. "Bums: Making a Mess All Over the City"
15. "The Gang Dances Their Asses Off"